Take your back to school look to the next level with this DIY tutorial by Tezio in association with Let's Nail Moscow. This pretty Back to school nail art will compliment every outfit and style on your first day of school or college. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions for awesome nails.

1) Apply a base coat of your choice.
2) Apply 2 even coats of Models Own White Light to your index, middle, ring and pinky nails.
3) Using a striping brush draw 4 to 5 horizontal parallel lines on each of the four prepainted nails using Models Own Feeling Blue.

4) Using a striping brush draw 1 vertical line on the right side of the nails using Models Own Hedonist. We’re going for a textbook look.
5) Using Models Own Edamame paint 1/3 of your thumbnail (near the cuticle area) and make a small dot in the middle of your nail tip.
6) Using your detail brush and Models Own Utopia nail polish draw a triangle-ish shape to make your nail look like a pencil.

7) Using your detail brush and Models Own Edamame paint an “A” letter on your ring finger.
8) Clean up around your nails using nail polish remover and a brush or a q-tip.
9) Apply a layer of the Matte top coat of your choice to make your nails look like paper even more.

Enjoy your amazing “Back to School” nails!

Lots of Love!!!


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