Wear Your Mask Right 😷 | How To Stay Safe From Covid Infection

Video calls at work and with family, handwashing rituals, at-home workouts… so many things have become a familiar part of our everyday lives. Along with the keys and wallets, now we are also keeping hand sanitizers and masks with us or in the bag. As we adjust to the new normal, here are some tips from experts to help us stay safe.

#1 Wear your mask right

You wear a mask when you step out — but are you wearing it the right way?

• N95 masks are needed by healthcare workers and caregivers of COVID patients. According to the Centre for Diseases Control, double-layered cloth masks are great for everybody else.

• When you wear/take off your mask, hold it by the straps. Do not touch it otherwise.

• Make sure the mask covers your nose, mouth, and chin, and rests closely against your face.

• Wash reusable cloth masks with soap and water, and dry them in the sun after every use

Do not wear a mask while exercising as it can get wet while you sweat and cause breathing difficulties. Masks are also not advised for children under 2 years old.

Buy genuinely effective sanitizers

To be truly effective in killing germs, hand sanitizers must contain 60-80% alcohol. The rest of the sanitizer is water and skin-friendly agents like aloe vera or Vitamin E that prevent your skin from drying out. When you buy a hand-rub next time, do check the ingredient list.

Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 secs (or the time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song!) is more effective than using alcohol-based sanitizers.

Practice physical distancing

Staying home is hard but put your safety and everyone else’s first and stay indoors as much as you can. Head outside, particularly to crowded or congested places, only if absolutely essential.

• Apart from wearing a face mask, make sure you stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from others while waiting at a bus stop, in queue, or walking.

• Don’t lean on surfaces or touch them when you are outside. For example, railings, walls, lift doors, etc. as the coronavirus can linger on these.

• Once you’re back home, wash your clothes and mask immediately, and disinfect your shoes.

When paying for shopping, choose a contactless method like scanning a UPI QR code, online wallets, or net banking. Avoid handling cash and cards

Boost your immunity

While the scientific community works hard to find an effective vaccine and cure for COVID-19, let’s do our best to stay healthy, so our bodies can fight off a potential infection. There are no miracle cures but some foods have proven immunity-boosting properties.

Eat healthily, work out at home, stay connected virtually, and devote time to self-care.

Stay safe and healthy!

Lots of Love!!!

