5 contouring videos better than clown contouring

I love exploring new makeup trends on internet, sometimes as inspiration and sometimes just for the sake of good laugh, since some of them are ridiculous and funny!

While searching on the Clown contouring trend for facial makeup, i stumbled upon Redbookmag.com's this article. For those who are clueless about Clown Contouring, here it is....

Check it out!!

By now you've all seen that amazing clown contouring video making its rounds on the internet, right? (If not, check it out now, your mind will be blown.) While Belldelune's technique is nothing short of impressive and I'm all for having fun with makeup, I would never try this at home. Why? Fact: Clowns are the most terrifying beings on earth. People who have seen Stephen King's It  know what I'm talking about. So in an attempt find some crazy cool videos that don't induce night terrors (Hello Kitty, maybe? minions?), I discovered these five women who came up with some incredible ways to achieve a gorgeous face:

1. The Sugar Skull Contour
Though she only makes a brief appearance at the beginning, makeupby_alo actually collaborated with Belldelune for the infamous clown video. As you can see from her Instagram, she is the QUEEN (🙌) of creative contouring, and many of the makeup artists on this list credit her as their inspiration.

2. The Starry Contour
I'm not sure what's more mesmerizing: amadea_dashurie's makeup skills, or her killer nose ring.​
3. The Yoda Contour
​Want to join the Dark side? Makeupbymandylee has one for Darth Vader, too.​

4. The Puzzle Contour
Extra points for sarahc_29, because we all know piecing together a real puzzle is hard enough.​

5. The Cheetah Contour
Nicolconcilio's makeup may look the same as the kitty face paint you got at your nephew's birthday party, but we seriously doubt it would blend as beautifully.​

Lots of Love!!!


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